
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Make Apple Crumble

The past few days was a torture to my emotional state. And today, when I received the news, I was even more down. The only way to not think about it is to channel my emotions to my passion.
This time, I made apple crumble, sliced apples sprinkled with cinammon and sugar, piled together, and coverd with sweet crumble topping.
I remembered having this at Tony Romas, served hot, topped with cool vanilly ice-cream and caramel. It tasted good, except for the fact that the apples were way too sweet.
So here I am, with the simplest and most basic recipe on how to make apple crumble. One where you can try out yourself.
8 cooking apples (Granny apples or Fuji apples)
250g caster sugar
1 teaspoon cinammon
120g soft butter, unsalted
350g plain white flour
All you have to do:
1. Peel the apples, core, and slice apples into a half-moon-like shape. Add 3/4 of sugar and 1 teaspoon of cinammon. Mix well. Then, stew apples in a covered pot for about 30 minutes. Stir occasionally.
2. When apples are soft, remove from pot, and place cooked apples in a baking serving dish. Remember, we want the apples to be soft, but not too soft as we don't want a puree). Leave to cool.
3. Next, make the crumble topping by mixing together the butter, flour, and remainig sugar in a mixing bowl. Best to mix with fork (or in this case I prefer using my own hands) until a breadcrumb consistency is achieved.
4. Finally, top the apples with the crumble. Bake at 160 C for 40 minutes. (Remember to preheat oven first).
5. Enjoy hot straight from the oven or chilled.
Apple crumble is a dessert that is best enjoyed with vanilla ice cream, cream, or custard.

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