
Friday, September 4, 2009

Ice-Blended Mango Smoothie

Time for some tropical fruits in the kitchen! The other day I had bananas, and then longan; today I felt like taking some adorable mangoes. I bought Thai some mangoes at Damai and turned them into smoothies at home.
Smoothies are always easy to make. It's all about mixing the right ingredients for the perfect taste.
What you need:
1 cup sliced mangoes, frozen
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
3/4 cup cold water
All you have to do is:
Put them all in a blender and blend away!
Yummy yummy! I love mangoes!
Have a nice weekend!


  1. son i am going to report your blog to the blogger admin for posting Food Porn!! i'm staring at all your pics at 3.30am,hungry,drooly =p
    anyway,awesome blog, will try ur recipes some day, and btw. for msian food i think is pretty good :)

  2. oo kim..i was scared when i read the first line hahaha! wait, coming next i wanna try chocolate brownie..yum! hehe awesome, thanks for the link! :P

  3. Ice-blended without ice ? Is this a blog for mentally challenged cooks ?
